Sunday, March 31, 2013

Change is in the air again

The Dolomites in Italy made Mike and I giddy.
It seems I am cursed with a disease that is shared by many, it is a case of itchy feet, it is a desire to set off for the unknown when barely even settled back into home from the last journey. I am feeling the pull again to jump on a plane or get behind the wheel. I know, I know, it’s only been a few weeks since my trip to Puerto Rico and the craziness that ensued there but addiction knows no schedule.

A friend the other day expressed surprise that I was ready to take on another adventure after how many ridiculous things have happened in my last two trips, I have no explanation for it really, I just feel the restlessness inside that means it is time for change.
Off to the Czech Republic countryside to look for rock climbing.

I won’t be taking flight until after I graduate though (and finish the research project I am working on) so it will be after May that I leave. Checking my mailbox everyday for the guide book I ordered I have spent quite a bit of time reminiscing about past trips and dreams for future ones. To anyone who doesn’t personally suffer from my affliction I have a hard time explaining what it is all about but this musing kept coming to me:

When we leave to go traveling, we come back changed. But it wasn’t just being gone that changed us, the change was what sent us out seeking in the first place.
Loving the rainforest trees in Puerto Rico.

Looking for creatures in Borneo.

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